Tuesday, October 17, 2006

What a picture's worth

I realized that on this site where I have a dating profile posted that people can also rate your photo unless you turn off the setting. Obviously, I clicked through curious to see how my photo performed.

There are three pictures of me on the site. The main photo is the one that people saw in the image ratings. It's a photo of me from a party, I cut around some friends to get a decent head shot. I'm wearing a red, v-neck sweater with shoulder-length, black hair. The picture is zoomed enough that my freckles cause a slight discoloration to my skin. I have a friendly, though not enthusiastic, smile on my face.

At the time I created the mug shot, I thought it was a representation of myself. Plus I tend to think bright colored clothing is complimentary. You can imagine how I felt with my average rating was 4.2 (or something) out of 10. Ouch. I don't claim to be a beauty queen, but I think I look okay.

As I perused other people's photos, I came to realize two things (interesting things anyhow). People's preferences and concepts of attractiveness are heterogeneous. This could be learned preference, cultural preference, etc. In my own succession of ratings on other people's photos, I found that my opinion matched more than 50% of the time with the photo's average score. However, there were many times when I was surprised to see the photo received a two-point worse or better rating than what I had marked.

The other point... do you remember the site "Hot or Not?" I went through that website a couple times so years ago. In that case, I recall thinking that people's ratings of each other were somewhat inflated. It was rare to find people who's pictures scored lower than 7. Here, however, my impression was the average scores were more between 4 and 5. Rating scales can be very arbitrary and values have different meanings to people. An 8, for example, is much more significant when the average person is scoring 5 versus everyone scoring 7.5. And, it could just be that on that site people were more conscious about putting on their best face.

For fun, I changed the picture that I made available for rating. The second picture is one that was taken of me while vacation. It has a much more romantic background and shows my upper half. My face is less detailed but you can see that I'm a petite woman. The photo is a little uncomfortable for me to show because it's the closest I've ever looked to having a model pose with my hair slightly flowing in the breeze. I'm not wearing anything skimpy or sexy, but the clothing is definitely more trendy.

Can you guess how it's doing? I'm averaging 6.5 after one day of votes (less than 20 votes). I can't remember how many votes the former picture had (data gets erased when you change photos). I seemed to do a little better with women than men. Right now, I only have male votes. I wonder how much the better background influences the rating.

I have a debate with various girlfriends about the types of pictures to post on dating sites. Do you put yourself out there with a really attractive picture which might get the attention of the wrong types of men but gives you more hits? Or do you want to be contacted based on a realistic, everyday picture? Then there is the philosophy of providing a slightly plain photos because you want them to like how you might looking after waking up in the morning and to judge you more on your personality. I think the answer is whatever makes you comfortable.

I don't really like having my picture on display like this, so it's time to take it down from being rated.


zerodoll said...

what a weird concept, to be rated on a dating site by people who you haven't even met. i would go for an attractive photo, one that's fairly representative. obviously, you will be putting your best foot (face?) forward and everyone knows that for the first few dates. i apparantly almost scared off my bf on our first date b/c he thought i wore a lot of makeup (i usually do just mascara and foundation.) the just out of bed first thing in the morning look can wait.

jayfish said...

i didn't even look at girls that didn't have a head to toe shot in addition to a head shot. there are too many odd shapes out there.

you should really think about getting someone whose photography you like to take pics of you. not professional "glamour shots" but some nice candid pics with good light. the higher rez the better. party pics are rarely good to post, escpecially if you have to cut around other people to show yourself.

i'm with z, put your best foot forward. always.

i think you should leave your photos up.

Pandax said...

I tend to go for upper half of the body photos. I like to put pictures up that represent how I think I look on a good day - attending a wedding, birthday, etc. I also like to put in one non-makeup picture, from something like hiking or traveling, that reflects a real situation.

I'm just taking my picture down from the rating system, not from the dating profile... although I am considering bailing on that eventually.

Anonymous said...

I think you're brave. I wouldn't have had the guts to put it up to be rated...but I think I'm a whole lot more insecure than I'm willing to admit. I'd just rather not know.

So, are you considering bailing out of online dating, altogether?

Pandax said...

When my cousin sent me an e-mail about a different nice photo of me, she suggested that I use it if/when I get back onto Match or other dating site. Maybe I was too blunt in my reply: "Frankly, someone would have to pay me to go back to online dating full-time. I just don't have the energy or interest anymore."

As normal as I feel day to day, as relaxed and organized as I have been, as content and friendly I am around people... I feel no enthusiasm for dating at this point. There is part of me that is resigned to the way things are and sees nothing changing in the future. So yeah, you could say I'm thinking about bailing out of all of it. (If I were braver, put myself out there on a real dating site and go on more dates. ;))

teahouse said...

This reminds me of that scene in "How High" where the girl gives the guy a photo of her butt wearing a thong..and the other guy says to his friend, "Hey, she looks just like your ex girlfriend..."

But seriously, it takes a lot of guts to post your photo on a dating site! I say smile big and if they don't like it, screw 'em!

Anonymous said...

I hear ya. I have zero interest in dating now, either, and whenever I admit out loud to people that I can't see myself finding someone and settling down, I just feel like it's the truth that I'm hurtling out there, you know?

I guess that's why it hurts even more when you DO meet someone you start feeling a little inkling of hope over and then getting that hope crushed.