Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Mystery along the road

I noticed this recently on the side of the road during my commute. You can quickly tell they are roses surrounded by baby's breath. Clearly, this bouquet was meant for a special occasion as the plastic wrap is decorated with red hearts. It's resting on a cable belonging to a roadside impact barrier.

At first, I thought it was left there from Valentine's, but it wasn't there a month ago. It had to have been placed there sometime in September as I was gone for a bit. Each time I sit at the light, waiting for the left turn signal to change to green, I look at this poor bouquet and wonder how and why it is there...

What sad story could this bunch of dried roses tell us? Here are some theories I've come up with while passing by:

1) A girl was wooed by some guy desperate wanting to win her affections. The minute she got away, she wanted nothing around to remind her of him.

2) An anonymous fellow driver trying to create happy thoughts to help others through the work day.

3) A promising first meeting of an online romance - gone sour.

4) Someone daring enough to sell flowers while standing on the median of a 6 lane highway who couldn't sell that last bouquet.

5) A guy wanted to ask a girl out that he's had a crush on for some time, but as he neared her home, he chickened out.


zerodoll said...

ok, i'll be the morbid one and say someone died there.

Pandax said...

I hadn't thought of that. If that were the case, wouldn't you expect more than just the one bouquet or a sign or teddy bear as well?