Every so often I browse online personal ads on Craigslist for entertainment. I hear mixed opinions about the success of such ads. It feels like the majority of the ads list men looking for flings or clandestine affairs. What a turn off, yet at the same time entertaining. Once in awhile I run across a posting that seems genuine or humorous.
I put in the criteria of 32 to 40 and hit "Search." Since I'm never serious about it, I tend to click on the postings with pictures out of curiousity to see what kinds of guys post. Nothing really grabbed my attention until I saw the headline "I love coffee, I love tea."
"Hi there,
If you like tea and coffee, would you come out drink them with me?
36 yrs old, 5 feet 9 inches tall. Financially secure. Have a good sense of mirth.
I am looking for a nice woman to hang with. Personally count."
Did he mean, "personality counts?" Along with the brief writing were two pictures - one head shot, one side profile. Both were apparently taken in front of a garage door and good looking. He looked familiar to me, and I immediately knew him to be someone I've seen in previous adventures into online dating.
I went back to the site where I last recalled running across him. It took awhile to find the right profile, but it was definitely him. One of the pictures was identical to his posting. It was very helpful to read his profile. He seems like an interesting person though I feel like his expectations of potential girlfriends may be a bit high. He must have seen my profile back when I was active on the site, so I didn't stand out to him.
My big question is whether he's looking for casual dating or something that has potential for a long-term relationship. It's always hard to tell because people aren't clear about it (often on purpose). Something about the way he desscribed himself made it sound like he wants to be an independent spirit. I like his confidence but I fear potential arrogance.
In one of my moments of questionable judgement, I threw caution to the wind and e-mailed him. I probably should have thought of something quirky to say. But that might have taken days to create knowing me. So I kept it simple. I addressed him by what I recall his handle to be:
"Dear ArtHawk,
I think I remember seeing you online somewhere. I'm not sure what you're looking for, so feel free to take a look at my profile - http://xxxxxxx.
If you're interested, drop me a line. Otherwise, good luck hunting!
Who knows. Frankly, I don't expect to hear back. Can't hurt right?
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Hey, good for you! I'm proud of you for putting it out there. Ball is in his court. Can't hurt! And it looks like he has a good sense of humor.
Good work. Life is an adventure, so why not take some risks and be playful about meeting people. Even if the date is bad, you'll have a good story out of it.
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