Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A log of search terms...

Wow, didn't think it would happen today. I logged in to see that my blog had it's 5000th visit today thanks to someone who's service resides in Connecticut.

While the blog is almost two years old, I didn't really start writing regularly until earlier this year.

To mark the visit to my blog (mostly thanks to a small group of regulars), I thought it would be fun to show some of the search terms that have brought random visitors here whether it be for less than a second or for several minutes. I wished I had saved some of the ones from earlier in the year - there were a couple strange ones.

General dating questions:
"meaning of mixed signals in romance"
"'match.com' 'my place: no answer'"
"what is the normal time to date before becoming boyfriend and girlfriend??"
"eharmony criticism"
"formal way of saying 'paying for dinner'"
"cynical about relationship"
"'have an asian fetish' yuck"
"relationship with liar and mommys boy"
"dating 'he never asks me any questions '"
"women seeking Asian men in nyc"
"'dear abby' 'meeting people' volunteering"
"prefer dating younger women"
"interracial asian"
"wingman responsibilities"
"charisma arts"

Marriage stuff:
"spring chinese good weddings"
"the secret widows"

General social questions:
"sift through people"
"social butterfly wedding consultant started 2006"
"underestimating yourself"

Cultural topics:
"taiwanese are lazy"
"what does winter holidays mean"
"yul people magazine's sexiest men"
"clothing short pants asian woman 0 'extra small'"
"spitty baby"
"rh negative supernatural"
"poking yourself with a needle during a polygraph test"
"sex trans"

Random mystery topics:
"juggler method vs mystery method"
"chemistry comes alive hmtd pictures"

And the one where more context would be helpful (and how did this match my blog?):
"'cousin' 'naked with each other'"


Tom Bailey said...

This is my first visit to your blog and I really like the content you have here.


Anonymous said...

The last one is funny and creepy at the same time. Been a regular for a while and never saw anything like that here.


Clinton said...

This is fricken hilarious! Well, count me in as a proud regular reader of your blog, Pandax. :)

jayfish said...

you get some really great ones!

Anonymous said...

I've become a fairly regular visitor, too --- mostly because I identify with a lot of the things that you write about. But, um, yeah...that first comment at the top...if it was on Wordpress, it probably would have been filtered away as spam.

Pandax said...

Yeah, I would normally prefer to take those down but I figure it'll get lost and ignored over time. I try to let comments be unless it's blatantly spam or completely inappropriate.