Saturday, September 30, 2006

Still on the burner

I haven't mentioned Limey in awhile. The fact is, with all my recent travels, we've been unable to meet up. We have, however, exchanged some e-mails. He's been very good about keeping track of when I'm in town and makes sure to say "hello."

They're very friendly e-mails. We'll both share a little about what we've been up to, nothing more. He actually has been very busy with his new roomies, two kittens he adopted from the shelter. It sounds like he's been having a great time with them. I imagine they're pretty cute. My only concern... I'm badly allergic to some varieties of cats, though not all types it seems. We'll have to see how that plays out. I've never dated anyone who had four-legged pets.

Limey's made it very clear a couple times that he'd like to have dinner with me. It's just a matter of finding a day we're both available. That day should be coming up soon.

I thought about mentioning him before, but with everything going on, he's not been a priority. After all, I barely know the guy. The other day I was thinking that it's actually a good thing he hasn't been on my mind. Incessantly rambling about him would mean that I was obsessing and any possibility of a relationship would be doomed. Here's to not thinking about dating!


Anna May Won't said...

i second that.

zerodoll said...

not obsessing is the best way for something good to happen!