Sunday, July 18, 2004

Cooking weekend

Tim spent almost 48 hours with me this weekend. Other than a few hours when I focused on cooking and he went to play ultimate, we were no more than a few feet away from each other.

It started Friday night after I got back from dinner with a friend. He was just hanging out at home and came over when I called. I suggested he pack something to stay the night. Am I too forward and not playing hard enough to get? He teases about it, but I know that he's happy to get to stay with me. Nothing happened; he's been very well-behaved in that department. I was tired and wanted to get up early to go to the farmers' market and start preparing food for my Sunday lunch. We kissed and cuddled before falling asleep.

In the morning, it was tortured to wake up. We lingered an hour longer in bed than I had originally wanted. We did play around for awhile. He used his fingers to arouse me. I love the attention and genuine desire he has to understand me.

The farmers' market was fun. All the produce looks so scrumptious and plentiful. I picked up everything I needed fairly quickly. It gave us time to prepare a few things like the gazpacho before it was time to head out for my company picnic.

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