Monday, May 28, 2007

Tissue everywhere

The things I learned on vacation:

- Choose travel luggage that leaves you space for sourvenirs or bring an extra bag
- Don't forget your watch
- At high altitudes, move slowly and breathe deeply
- If you awake to a black tongue, it might be from the Pepto
- American movies are everywhere
- Asian tour groups are the most obnoxious people
- When you travel with a friend of the opposite sex, everyone will automatically assume you are husband and wife
- If the tap water is not drinkable, it's not for brushing your teeth either
- Carry travel-sized liquid soap or liquid sanitizer everywhere
- Always save extra napkins or tissue for public toilets


Anna May Won't said...

where were you? sounds like china, esp cuz of the tissues and constant need for liquid sanitizer.

once i went on vacation with my brother, and everyone else kept calling us mr. and mrs. won't. yick!

zerodoll said...


Pandax said...

Anna - You guessed right! It was a great trip but I'm happy not to see a squat toilet for awhile.